
Nendoroid Movie Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya Licht - The Nameless Girl Chloe

2021 ひろやまひろし・TYPE-MOON/KADOKAWA/劇場版「Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ Licht 名前の無い少女」製作委員会

Release date2023-05-01

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Nendoroid Movie Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya Licht - The Nameless Girl Chloe


Price Comparison Over Time

Yearly Price History

YearMin PriceAvg PriceMax Price
20255,135 ¥ (+0.0%)6,549.67 ¥ (+7.3%)7,965 ¥ (-8.9%)
20245,135 ¥ (+3.9%)6,105.22 ¥ (+10.0%)8,746 ¥ (+30.6%)
20234,944 ¥ (-7.2%)5,550.42 ¥ (-5.2%)6,695 ¥ (-34.4%)
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Product Specs

Origin Series NameBrandMaterialsSculptorHeight in cmOriginal PriceScaleJancode
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma IllyaGood Smile CompanyPlasticShichibee106500Non-Scale4580590170605


Chloe von Einzbern is a character from the anime movie Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Licht - The Nameless Girl. She is a Nendoroid figure produced by Good Smile Company and sculpted by Shichibee (Matsuda Model) in cooperation with Nendoron. The figure stands at approximately 100mm in height and comes with three interchangeable face plates, including a standard face, a smiling face, and a devilish seductive face. The figure also includes Archer Class Card's projection magic weapons Kanshou and Bakuya, as well as the Noble Phantasm Caladbolg III, allowing for dynamic display options. Fans of the series can recreate scenes from the anime movie and enjoy displaying Chloe alongside other Nendoroid figures from the Prisma Illya series.

Chloe von Einzbern is a skilled Archer-class Servant from the Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya series. In the anime movie Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Licht - The Nameless Girl, Chloe plays a significant role as a powerful and enigmatic character. She is known for her confident and mischievous personality, as well as her exceptional archery skills. Throughout the series, Chloe forms close bonds with other characters like Illyasviel von Einzbern and Miyu Edelfelt, showcasing both her combat prowess and her emotional depth. Fans of the series admire Chloe for her complex character development and her contributions to the overall narrative.

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Character statistics Chloe Von Einzbern

Hair colorEyes colorHair lengthAgeGenderHeightWeightBirthdayZodiac signBlood TypeThree sizesOccupation
WhiteAmberLongFemaleMagical Girl

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