
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Twin Pack+ Panty & Stocking with Chuck


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Release date2011-09-01

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Twin Pack+ Panty & Stocking with Chuck


Yearly Price History

YearMin PriceAvg PriceMax Price
20251,480 ¥ (+0.0%)1,710.33 ¥ (-1.8%)1,941 ¥ (-0.1%)
20241,480 ¥ (+0.0%)1,740.82 ¥ (-72.1%)1,942 ¥ (-90.3%)
20231,480 ¥ (+0.0%)6,229 ¥ (+320.9%)20,085 ¥ (+1257.1%)
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Product Specs

Origin Series NameBrandMaterialsSculptorHeight in cmOriginal PriceScaleJancode
Panty & Stocking with GarterbeltPhat CompanyPVCKyouichi Kawamura91944Non-Scale4560308574093


The figure set of Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Twin Pack+ Panty & Stocking with Chuck features the two angel sisters, Panty and Stocking, in a dynamic pose inspired by the original illustrations from the anime series. The attention to detail in the sculpting captures the essence of the characters, making them a must-have for any fan of the show. The set also includes a miniature figure of Chuck, the lovable pet that the two sisters keep at the church. This figure set is a perfect addition to any anime figure collection, especially when displayed alongside the upcoming release of Scanty & Kneesocks. Get ready to add a touch of angelic charm to your display with this adorable figure set!

In the world of Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Panty and Stocking are two angel sisters tasked with protecting Daten City from ghosts. Panty is known for her bold and flirtatious personality, while Stocking is more reserved and mysterious. Together, they make a formidable team as they battle supernatural threats and unravel the mysteries of their past. With their unique powers and strong bond, Panty and Stocking are sure to capture the hearts of fans everywhere.

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Character statistics Stocking Anarchy

Hair colorEyes colorHair lengthAgeGenderHeightWeightBirthdayZodiac signBlood TypeThree sizesOccupation
Dark BlueBlueLongFemaleAngel

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