
Pokemon MonColle MS-38 Blaziken


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Release date2022-07-01

Pokemon MonColle MS-38 Blaziken


Yearly Price History

YearMin PriceAvg PriceMax Price
2025732 ¥ (+49.4%)732 ¥ (+0.1%)732 ¥ (-30.9%)
2024490 ¥ (-8.2%)731.33 ¥ (+11.6%)1,060 ¥ (+6.0%)
2023534 ¥ (-19.1%)655.4 ¥ (-89.5%)1,000 ¥ (-91.6%)
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Product Specs

Origin Series NameBrandMaterialsSculptorHeight in cmOriginal PriceScaleJancode
Pocket MonstersTakara Tomy10660Non-Scale4904810214038


The Pokemon MonColle MS-38 Blaziken figure from Takara Tomy is a detailed and beautifully crafted representation of the popular Pokemon character, Blaziken. Standing proudly with its fiery red feathers and intense gaze, this figure captures the essence of Blaziken perfectly. The vibrant colors and dynamic pose make it a standout piece in any anime figure collection. With intricate details such as the sharp claws and muscular build, this figure truly brings Blaziken to life. Whether you're a fan of the Pokemon series or simply appreciate well-made figures, the MonColle MS-38 Blaziken is a must-have for any collector.

In the Pokemon series, Blaziken is a powerful Fire/Fighting type Pokemon known for its incredible speed and ferocious fighting abilities. Evolving from Combusken, Blaziken is a formidable opponent in battles, using its powerful kicks and fiery attacks to take down enemies. With its fiery spirit and strong sense of justice, Blaziken is a loyal and courageous Pokemon that stands by its Trainer through thick and thin. Its strong bond with its Trainer and unwavering determination make Blaziken a beloved character in the Pokemon world.

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Character statistics Blaziken

Hair colorEyes colorHair lengthAgeGenderHeightWeightBirthdayZodiac signBlood TypeThree sizesOccupation
RedYellowMediumMale192 cm52 kgFighter

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