
Pokemon MonColle MS-52 Mega Lucario

Nintendo・Creatures・GAME FREAK・TV Tokyo・ShoPro・JR Kikaku (c)Pokemon

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Release date2023-07-01

Pokemon MonColle MS-52 Mega Lucario


Yearly Price History

YearMin PriceAvg PriceMax Price
2025706 ¥ (+23.9%)760.5 ¥ (+18.8%)815 ¥ (+8.7%)
2024570 ¥ (-13.6%)640.07 ¥ (-3.0%)750 ¥ (+13.6%)
2023660 ¥ 660 ¥ 660 ¥
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Product Specs

Origin Series NameBrandMaterialsSculptorHeight in cmOriginal PriceScaleJancode
Pocket MonstersTakara TomyPVC, ABS15660Non-Scale4904810912095


The Pokemon MonColle MS-52 Mega Lucario figure from Takara Tomy is a stunning representation of the popular Pokemon Lucario. With intricate details and vibrant colors, this figure captures the essence of Lucario's fierce and powerful presence. Standing tall and ready for battle, this figure is a must-have for any Pokemon collector. From its sharp claws to its intense gaze, every aspect of Lucario is beautifully crafted in this figure. Add this iconic Pokemon to your collection today and bring the world of Pokemon to life.

Lucario is a Fighting/Steel-type Pokemon known for its loyalty and sense of justice. It can sense the aura of living beings and understand their thoughts and feelings. Lucario is a skilled fighter, using its martial arts abilities to take down opponents with precision and power. In the Pokemon world, Lucario is a popular choice among trainers for its strength and agility in battle. With its unique design and abilities, Lucario has become a fan favorite in the Pokemon series.

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Character statistics Lucario

Hair colorEyes colorHair lengthAgeGenderHeightWeightBirthdayZodiac signBlood TypeThree sizesOccupation
BlueRedShavedMale120 cm54 kgAura Guardian

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