
Figuarts ZERO EX Doraemon (Stand by Me Doraemon 2)

Fujiko Pro/2020 STAND BY ME Ⅱ Doraemon Film Partners

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Release date2020-11-01

Figuarts ZERO EX Doraemon (Stand by Me Doraemon 2)


Yearly Price History

YearMin PriceAvg PriceMax Price
20255,600 ¥ (+0.0%)7,714.5 ¥ (+9.6%)10,951 ¥ (-3.1%)
20245,600 ¥ (+0.3%)7,037.76 ¥ (+3.3%)11,302 ¥ (+45.2%)
20235,581 ¥ (+86.7%)6,814.67 ¥ (+68.4%)7,785 ¥ (+33.7%)
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Product Specs

Origin Series NameBrandMaterialsSculptorHeight in cmOriginal PriceScaleJancode
DoraemonBANDAI SPIRITSABS257700Non-Scale4573102591999


The Figuarts ZERO EX Doraemon figure from Stand by Me Doraemon 2 by BANDAI SPIRITS is a must-have for any anime figure collector. This intricately detailed figure captures Doraemon in all his glory, with vibrant colors and a dynamic pose that brings the beloved character to life. Standing at approximately 250mm tall, this figure is sure to make a statement in any collection. The high-quality ABS material ensures durability and longevity, making this a valuable addition to your hobby collection.

Stand by Me Doraemon is a heartwarming film that follows the adventures of Doraemon, a robotic cat from the future, and Nobita, a young boy who is often in need of Doraemon's help. The film explores themes of friendship, family, and the power of imagination, making it a beloved addition to the Doraemon series. This Figuarts ZERO EX figure captures the essence of the film, with intricate details that pay homage to the characters and story. Whether you're a fan of Doraemon or simply appreciate beautifully crafted figures, this piece is sure to delight.

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Character statistics Doraemon

Hair colorEyes colorHair lengthAgeGenderHeightWeightBirthdayZodiac signBlood TypeThree sizesOccupation
BlueBlackShavedMale129 cm129 kgRobot from the future

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