Background Image of Magikarp


Japanese Name:


Related series:

Pocket Monsters

Magikarp is a Water-type Pokémon from the Pocket Monsters series. Known for its weak combat abilities, Magikarp is often considered one of the most underwhelming Pokémon in battle. Despite its lack of strength, it is notable for its remarkable evolution into the powerful Gyarados. In the series, Magikarp represents the theme of potential and transformation, as it can evolve into a formidable force with perseverance and experience. Its splash attack is infamous for being ineffective, yet it symbolizes the character's enduring spirit and growth potential.
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Character info

Hair colorEyes colorHair lengthAgeGenderHeightWeightBirthdayZodiac signBlood TypeThree sizesOccupation
Shaved89 cm10 kg


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