Gaara of the Desert
Background Image of Gaara of the Desert

Gaara of the Desert

Japanese Name:


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Gaara of the Desert is a key character from the anime series Naruto. Initially introduced as a ruthless and powerful ninja from the Sand Village, he becomes the Kazekage, the leader of his village. Gaara's past is marked by isolation and suffering due to being a jinchuriki, a host for the One-Tail beast, Shukaku. Over time, he transforms from an antagonist to a compassionate and wise leader, forming a strong bond with Naruto Uzumaki and becoming an ally in the fight against common threats.
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Character info

Hair colorEyes colorHair lengthAgeGenderHeightWeightBirthdayZodiac signBlood TypeThree sizesOccupation
RedTealShort19 years oldMale166 cm50 kgJanuary 19CapricornABKazekage
